Monday, October 27, 2008

Mother Earth

Feel not honoured
That the planet is allotted our sex.
Be not proud
Of that unchivalrous equation.

Trod upon
Spat upon
Shat upon
With chemicals and sputum
Denuded and polluted
He claims she's the epitome
Of patience
And endurance
And tolerance.

She has warned.
Let quakes and cancers
Viruses and droughts
Be heeded.


All hell'll break loose.


The one who has loved and lost said...


"Trod upon
Spat upon
Shat upon
With chemicals and sputum
Denuded and polluted
He claims she's the epitome
Of patience
And endurance
And tolerance."

It's almost scary you know.
Come on is it that bad?? Of course, I can never see the picture from a women's perspective... still...

The poem achieves its intention, I guess.. Now I'm even more scared to do the tag :D

kochuthresiamma p .j said...

@ deepak
Come on is it that bad??
'I can never see the picture from a women's perspective'
u r not the only one:-)

Kush said...

This is a nice poem.